Wild and Wise: A Journey of Feminine Leadership & Nature Connection

A six-month coaching program, including a 24-hour wilderness solo, for women and non-binary leaders in the social impact space
Online and outside Santa Fe, New Mexico
May-October, 2024, with the solo October 18-22, 2024 

$3,600 per person (generous scholarships available)  Register Now

“The eyes of the future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time.”  Terry Tempest Williams, writer and environmentalist

While we are constantly pushing ourselves to be the best at everything and achieve lasting results for the organizations we work with, we are disconnected from our body, mind, and soulour wild true self—and the toll is showing.

Rewilding is a process of restoring one’s inner landscape and lifestyle to a more primal and natural state. We are welcoming home our instincts and innate connection with the natural world. Rewilding is reawakening the essential nature that lives within each of us. We are able to access a much needed inner compass to help navigate our lives as social justice leaders. Even though we each have a deep well of creativity, healing, and wisdom within us, many of us have lost how to get in touch or back in with it. Rewilding is a path toward remembering who we are at our core. 

Together, we will invest in our relationship with ourselves and the earth. We will explore how to lead from the place of the divine feminine and healthy masculine. Through three group coaching sessions, three individual coaching sessions and a four-day retreat in the forest, this group of up to 8 leaders will explore together the future of our leadership individually and collectively. We will look at the long-term resourcing and rewilding of ourselves in all its senses. 

The delight of this journey is a chosen day alone at a particular site in nature, and the level-of-challenge of your choosing—either close to our base camp or further away. Solos push us to the edge of transformation, as a new experience being alone with ourselves and mother earth. You will spend 24 hours in nature with every basic need met, while fasting (which is an opt in). The deep listening that happens when we let go of the thoughts, preparation, and digesting of food, is deeply powerful. 

Together, we will co-create a sacred space to re-energize your soul and spirit. You’ll explore through both group and individual experiences how to sustainably nourish your innate “spirit of resiliency” and leadership strengths. We will also look to both Indigenous ceremonies and mother nature to guide and deepen our growth.

Who This Journey is For:

  • Women, queer, non-binary leaders and changemakers feeling called to reconnect
  • with your core power and lead from a place of wholeness.
  • Those who sense something is missing or feel the toll of inherited toxic systems and are ready to continue to heal and transform.
  • Women seeking a supportive community and experiential learning to become even more resilient, regenerative leaders.

What you’ll walk away with:

  • Deep embodiment of your authentic, intuitive feminine leadership style and power.
  • Tools and frameworks for sustaining your work through radical self-care.
  • A powerful community of women social impact leaders to lean on, learn with, and be witnessed by.
  • Profound connection to nature as a source of guidance, healing, and strength.
  • Renewed sense of purpose and vision to lead change courageously from your core.
  • Experience of becoming one with nature, sharing in and learning her gifts.

Our forest adventures will be based out of a private mountain cabin, where we will be hosted as invited guests, with limited indoor lodging available.

To register, please click here. Want to chat about the program or talk about a scholarship? Please email cheryl@leadfeather.org. And click here for our flyer, which has more details and was beautifully designed by Bailey Davis and Mary Desmond. A portion of your fees go to support our efforts to protect New Mexico’s wild areas.

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”  Lao Tzu

This program is in grateful partnership with Devon Davey, Nell DeVito, Danelle Aragon, Angie Contreras and Larry Glover.